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It took 250 firefighters working 15 hours and pumping more than 6.With its near-perfect acoustics, La Fenice, opened in 1792, was one of the most beautiful opera houses HARD BOX UNIT PACKINGS OF FIRE BLANKETS Factory in the world and one of the most famous in the history of opera.Reconstruction works, part-financed by the European Union, began in 1996 and the new library was inaugurated in 2014.5 million litres of water to bring the blaze under control.1 million, USD 6.One of Spain’s cultural jewels, the 150-year-old theatre was gutted in a blaze in which only the foyer and the horseshoe arch over the auditorium were left standing.- Barcelona opera house -In 1994 the Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona’s world-famous opera house was destroyed by fire.Several specimen of species that disappeared in the blaze included giant sloths and sabre-toothed tigers.The museum was particularly reputed for the richness of its paleontology department with more than 26,000 fossils, including a dinosaur skeleton discovered in Brazil’s central Minas Gerais.

Only some 10 per cent of its resources were saved from the resulting fire.The intense heat cracked its magnificent 16th century stained glass Rose Window into tens of thousands of pieces but it was able to be painstakingly repaired.Two electricians were sentenced to six and seven years in prison on negligence charges.- Bosnia’s National Library -Bosnia’s 19th century National Library was destroyed in the war-time siege of the city of Sarajevo, overnight on 25-26 August 1992.7 million today).- Geneva’s Grand Theatre -In 1951 the Grand Theatre of Geneva in Switzerland, built in the 19th century, was devastated in a fire that began during the preparation for a performance of Richard Wagner’s “The Valkyrie”. It reopened in 1962. The massive blaze destroyed the roof of the south transept of the Gothic cathedral, which was completed in the 15th century..Firefighters tackle the blaze as flames and smoke rise from Notre Dame cathedral as it burns in Paris.- Venice opera house -In 1996 Venice’s celebrated opera house La Fenice was gutted by fire.- York Minster -On July 9, 1984, a fire believed to have been triggered by a lightning strike caused severe damage to Britain’s imposing York Minster.Nine of the rooms were left unrecognisable by the fire, which started in the former Chapel Royal when a lighting projector too close to a curtain started the blaze during routine maintenance work.It reopened in 2004.


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It was over for them in seconds.With its moon program in jeopardy, NASA completely overhauled the Apollo spacecraft. For most of them, a private tour Wednesday marks the first time they&HARD BOX UNIT PACKINGS OF FIRE BLANKETS39;ve seen any of the capsule. The middle hatch appears darkened. Chaffee's daughter, Sheryl, who retired last month after working at Kennedy for 33 years, recalls having to buy a memorial wreath herself to display at the space center on the 20th anniversary."There's a long list of places where really bad things happened to our country, but we display those respectfully and appropriately," Scott Grissom said, citing the Alamo, Gettysburg and the Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor. The exhibit is in the same building that holds # one of three remaining Saturn V rockets built for moon shots. It was just one of numerous changes made to the spacecraft, as well as to procedures. The white outer hatch is still discolored and pitted, with what looks to be charring in an upper corner.From left, astronauts Virgil Grissom , Edward White II, and Roger Chaffee A relic from America's first space tragedy is finally going on display this week, 50 years after a fire on the launch pad killed three astronauts at the start of the Apollo moon program. But NASA is offering visitors at Kennedy Space Center a look at the most symbolic part: the hatch that trapped Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee in their burning spacecraft on Jan. White was the nation's first spacewalker.In the very next display case is the redesigned hatch. Exhibits at Kennedy and elsewhere would mention the fire but not highlight it. The request was denied."..The Astronauts Memorial Foundation took over the annual observance that honors all astronauts killed in the line of duty - this year's ceremony is Thursday.

As the 30th anniversary of the fire approached, Betty Grissom, Gus' widow, had pushed to have the capsule put on public display. 27, 1967. But it wasn't until NASA unveiled its tribute to the 14 Challenger and Columbia astronauts in June 2015 that the agency wondered why it hadn't done anything similar for Apollo 1. "I want them to be remembered for the other things and not necessarily for the accident," she said. Determined to make things right, he and others at Kennedy began work on a display.NASA consulted the two surviving widows and six children, explaining it wanted to honor the three men and their sacrifice, and show how Apollo 1 ultimately paved the way to the moon.All three layers of the hatch underwent preservation, but were not altered in any way. A cry came from inside: "Got a fire in the cockpit!" White struggled to open the hatch before quickly being overcome by smoke and fumes, along with his two crewmates.As the years and decades rolled by, Apollo 1 became a mere footnote in space history. NASA was embarrassed about the fire "and that's why they pretty much kept it in the closet as long as they have.The retired FedEx pilot said displaying the hatch is a start. "It's time that they show the three who died in the fire appreciation for the work that they did."On Friday - the 50th anniversary - the crew's families will help dedicate the new exhibit. The orange inner hatch is scuffed.A flash fire erupted inside the capsule during a countdown rehearsal, with the astronauts atop the rocket at Cape Canaveral's Launch Complex 34.The scorched Apollo 1 capsule remains locked away in storage.The three sections stand side-by-side.For the astronauts' families, Apollo 1 is finally getting its due. But we're excited about it," said Scott Grissom, Gus' older son. it wasn't on our radar" like the shuttle accidents were, explained Kelvin Manning, associate director of Kennedy Space Center. Chaffee was the rookie for the flight, a demo in low-Earth orbit.Bonnie Baer,


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